For questions regarding City of Elba business licenses, please email:
The staff of the City of Elba, Alabama can provide customized reports, statistics, and other information for site selectors, prospective businesses, and existing businesses looking to relocate or grow within the City of Elba and Coffee County, Alabama. For assistance, contact the City of Elba at (334) 897-2333.
Business Advantages
The City of Elba offers the following advantages for businesses:
Location: The City of Elba is located within two hours or less of three interstates (I-85, I-65, and I-10) and commercial
airports in Dothan and Montgomery. The city is less than three hours from the Alabama State Docks in Mobile.
Close Proximity to Automotive and Aerospace Manufacturers: With its
location in South Alabama, the City of Elba is located within close
proximity to major aerospace manufacturers, as well as the Hyundai
plant near Montgomery and Airbus in Mobile.
Skilled Workers: The City of Elba is located near several community
colleges that offer technical programs, providing an ongoing source
of trained workers.
Economic Development Resources
The following entities can provide economic development information for the State of Alabama.